Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: NDS

Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion („Sisters of Sion“)

Weihnachten unterm Minarett

Von Manfred Maurer Schwester Juliana Baldinger hat Weihnachten heuer schon gefeiert. Und zwar am 6. Jänner. Die aus Meggenhofen stammende Sions-Schwester lebt seit 18 Jahren in dem ägyptischen Dorf El Berba, etwa 300 Kilometer südlich von Kairo. Weil für die koptischen Christen hier der orthodoxe Kalender gilt, fällt Weihnachten auch für die katholische Ordensfrau aus Oberösterreich auf den 6. Jänner, das Fest der Erscheinung des Herrn. Muslimbrüder wollen Christentum verdrängen Weihnachten unter Muslimen erfordert wohl ein gewisses Fingerspitzengefühl, zumal in Zeiten wie diesen. Die Lage der Christen am Nil hat sich verschlechtert. Die herrschende Muslimbruderschaft wolle das Christentum genauso verdrängen wie die noch radikaleren Salafisten, sagt der Präsident der Ökumenischen Stiftung Pro Oriente, Hans Marte. „Der Unterschied liegt nur in der Strategie.“ Entführungen koptischer Mädchen, Erpressung von Schutzgeldern und Zwangsislamisierungen seien an der Tagesordnung. Schwester Juliana kennt all diese Probleme, hat aber mit den Muslimbrüdern, die es auch in El Berba gibt, irgendwie zu leben gelernt. Erleichtert wird dies wohl durch die Tatsache, dass die Sions-Schwestern hier wichtige soziale Dienste erbringen, die auch Muslimen zugute …

NDS Cairo

In Cairo, like in Alexandria, there is a small community of Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion living in an apartement in the neighbourhood of Abassiya. It’s an international community with sisters from Egypt and overseas going out for work in different fields. They hosted us so nicely and made us very much feel at home. I very much regret, that we did not take photos when all sisters were at home. So there are two of them missing on the photos. Sr. Wafaa who we know from Berba is now in Alexandria. She works in a small tailoring workshop. She came just for one day to Cairo to see us, which was a great pleasure!

Garden of Joy

„Bustan al Bachja“ which means „Garden of Joy“ is a green oasis in a brown and grey surrounding. Here children can play in a secure place, families can meet and celebrate feasts. Groups from schools, other parishes or also Muslim organisations use this garden for meetings. The maintenance of the garden is paid by the  little entrance fee all groups have to pay. With Juliana’s watching eye, good watering of the grass and plants and the yearly repairing of broken playground equipment the garden will stay a wonderful place for many people and years!

NDS Berba

In El Berba the community of Sisters of Sion is rather small. In the moment it’s only Sr. Juliana keeping up the wonderful hospitality of Notre Dame de Sion and living their charisma of Dialogue and Solidarity. So she often has guests from the village or is out for visiting families in their homes.


There are two Kindergarden in El Berba. One is in the house of the developement center and its Aza who is responsible for it. The other is in the Sisters house and is for children with special needs. There are four young women you work and play with these children in different groups. On top of the house the have a playground under a sunshade. Sr. Juliana initiated this Kindergarden and still is active in keeping it running. As they like music, Barbara gave them twice a music lesson playing with Orff instruments. They enjoyed and we hope the teachers will be able to continue this work.

„Soeur Juliana“

„Soeur Juliana“ is the name, Sr. Juliana is always called by the children and the people of the village El Berba, where she lives. It’s a pleasure to see how she and her work are appriciated. With all the trouble live brings up in a Muslim – Christian village, she lives there with much confidence and patience. Already in the last visits we so much enjoyed her hospitality and are thankful for all experience we had throughout her help. So also this time we were happy to see her at Cairo Airport waiting for us!

Good bye and Thank you!

Unser letzter Tag in Kanada ist gekommen. Rita und Larry kommen noch auf ein Abschiedsessen, das freut uns riesig. So verbringen wir unsere letzten Stunden in diesem wunderbaren Land in netter Gesellschaft mit den beiden Sionsschwestern Mary und Audrey und mit Larry und Rita unseren Freunden aus St. Davids/Niagara on the Lake. Am Nachmittag besteigen wir den Flieger der Austrian Airlines, der uns trotz heftiger Turbulenzen sicher nach Wien bringt. Schnell sind sie vergangen, diese 2 Monate, unglaublich viel haben wir gesehen und erlebt. Dankbar für so viele bereichernde Begegnungen und tolle Erlebnisse kehren wir wieder heim. We really are very thankful to all our friends, SERVAS hosts and other hospitable persons who gave us a warm welcome and made us feel at home. We are happy about all the meetings with people, sharing their life and experiences with us. We are glad to have had so many wonderful experiences out in G’ds wonderful nature. Thank you! Merci beaucoup! Herzlichen Dank!