Strahlend blauer Himmel, die Sonne scheint, ein traumhafter Tag!
Auf einem Schiff der „Blue Heron Company“ schippern wir auf den tiefblauen Lake Huron bzw. in die Georgian Bay hinaus. In diesem Maritime National Park liegen dutzende Schiffswracks unter Wasser, rotten vor sich hin und sind eine riesige Attraktion. Die einen tauchen zu ihnen runter, die anderen, so wie wir, schauen sich das alles von einem Schiff aus an.
Fathom Five is Canada’s first National Marine Park, with over 20 shipwrecks and 19 islands within it’s boundaries. The deep clear water and the numerous shipwrecks attract over 8,000 divers each year. Glass bottom boat tours leave Tobermory several times each day to take visitors over the shipwrecks and to Flower Pot Island. The best known island in the Park features two 60 foot high ‚flower pots‘, a lighthouse and walking trails.
SWEEPSTAKES (,schooner)
Built: Burlington, Ontario, 1867
Length: 36.3 m (119 ft)
Depth: maximum depth 7 m (20 ft)
This two-masted schooner was damaged off Cove Island then towed to Big Tub Harbour where she sank in September, 1885. The hull is still intact, with the windlass and a portion of the how rail still in place. For both conservation and safety, penetration of the wreck is not permitted. One of the most popular wrecks in the park. It is visited by divers, snorkellers and tour boat passengers.
Built: Grand Haven, Michigan, 1879
Length: 37 .3 m C122.5 ft)
Depth: maximum depth 5 m (15 ft)
The City of Grand Rapids was an elegant passenger steamer until it burned and sank in October, 1907. Its charred remains now lie in shallow water about 30 m (100 ft) from the wreck of the Sweepstakes. Its rudder and propeller are displayed at the local museum. This site is suitable for both divers and snorkellers.
- The shipwrecks home
- Wreck of „Sweepstakes“
- Wreck of „City of Grand Rapids“
- Wreck of „City of Grand Rapids“
- Wreck of „City of Grand Rapids“
- Wreck of „City of Grand Rapids“